Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill
Posted on 03. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Enviornment
By Mehreen Saeed
British Petroleum has been inundated with diatribes by our government and media for a lack of responsible reaction during the three months while millions of barrels of oil gushed out of MC252 well site into the Gulf of Mexico. Since the biggest environmental catastrophe in the U.S. history enfolded, causing billions of dollars in damage to the fishing and tourism industries and wildlife habitat, the corporation executives have been trying to seek a way out of this ignominy.
In order to pay for the damages it caused to U.S. businesses and to itself, BP will likely resort to its historic strategy of how it became an oil giant in the first place. And the U.S. will once again help the corporation as we did in 1953 when a covert CIA plot overthrew Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and instated an authoritarian regime in order to acquire that country’s oil.
The coup proved to be a successful covert experiment for the U.S. when The National Iranian Oil Company was transformed into British Petroleum in 1954. Iran’s illustrious experiment was also catalytic in helping the U.S. make similar coups a norm in various Middle Eastern and Latin American countries including Iraq, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Panama to overthrow leaders noncompliant toward imperialistic demands.
In 1979, Iran’s Islamic Revolution ousted BP from the country and attained back its resources; but for the past few years U.S. officials have again been looking toward Iran, which still has the world’s third largest oil reserves. Our politicians have been pressing Iran to stymie its nuclear enrichment program which they claim is a threat to Israel’s security – perhaps in the same way the imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq were a threat to the U.S. in 2003. In June, our powerful nation successfully pressured the United Nations to impose economic sanctions on the recalcitrant Iran but such diplomatic stunts are designed to be expired the moment corporate greed demands again.
President Obama’s diplomatic stance has been under immense pressure from corporate lobbyists who want to send our troops to invade Iran in order to get their grip on the country’s petroleum and natural gas. The U.S. has a solid history of sacrificing its human and financial resources for corporate executives; therefore, BP executives will contentedly demand that we sacrifice our tax dollars and troops to help them steal Iran’s oil once again.
According to many analysts invasion of Iran is imminent, and the BP fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico might serve as a key factor to expedite that invasion. But hopefully the American public is slightly smarter today than we were in 2003 and will not be misled by the greedy corporate executives.
As we stand facing harsh consequences of the two wars we started in Iraq and Afghanistan, BP and its likes might have to turn to another soldier this time in holding Iran accountable to pay for the catastrophe the corporation caused. The country that serves as BP’s next partner in crime will be guilty of bloodshed and environmental disasters as they arise in the future. The only way to end the cycle of violence and man-made environmental catastrophes is by adamantly opposing the greedy oil executives and putting tangible emphasis on sustainable alternative energy.
Mehreen Saeed is a blogger and freelance journalist based in New Jersey, USA. She writes on current issues concerning the USA and Muslim Region of the world. She is a frequent contributor to Opinion Maker.
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Greg Williams
03. Aug, 2010
I’m having 2 major difficulties with this whole scenario. 1…where is the absolute proof of the 1953 supposed CIA coup, and for this current theory. 2…All I heard during the early stages of the Iraq war was that it was all about blood for oil, which has never been the case, and if it was…where’s the oil, and why do we now also need Iran’s oil?
Joe America
04. Aug, 2010
The current POTUS has admitted that the U.S.A. was involved in overthrowing the democratically elected leadership in Iran in 1953.
Several western oil companies have “won” major oil concessions in Iraq, since the U.S. invasion.
Bill O'Rights
04. Aug, 2010
The ‘supposed’ coup was called Operation Ajax – look it up.
The information comes from a leaked CIA document titled, Clandestine Service History – Overthrow of Premier Mosaddegh of Iran – November 1952-August 1953
pedro mohr
04. Aug, 2010
Not so much we need the oil as Bp etc. needs the oil profits.An another reason could be Iraq was seen to pose a threat to Israel as according to the Isreli holy books a war is predicted between them and the nations as Iraq and Iran and predicted Israel loses,so they wish to avoid this disaster with help of worlds strongest and dumbest army.After this more enemies will be discovered to fight against.
04. Aug, 2010
Greg, surely Fox new or CNN told you :
BP To Drill 80-100 New Oil Wells In Iraq’s Rumaila -Exec
Kathy H
05. Aug, 2010
It’s not really about oil for us as much as it is oil for brokers to sell to make $$$$ for themselves
john van rooyen
05. Aug, 2010
Why do we need more oil? Hmmm. why does Goldman Sachs need more profits. And as for the coup… just read any account by any pf the participants. Its all there in declassified uS documents.
Tweets that mention Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker --
03. Aug, 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raja Mujtaba, Raja Mujtaba. Raja Mujtaba said: Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill …. By Mehreen Saeed [...]
Jessica Suay
04. Aug, 2010
If we invade iran, it’s not because of the oil but more of national security of UAE. UAE is afraid that Iran could invade their country and end their Royal family domination.
Americans are so naive, government are so corrupt and less than 1% rich are greedy will use Americans as human shields. Our lives are cheaper because of the devaluation of US dollars. We need another war funded by rich countries to stimulate this economy and pay the debt.
World Wide News Flash
04. Aug, 2010
Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker…
I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog
John Hendricks
04. Aug, 2010
In response to Greg’s questions, 1. the absolute proof is in declassified documents from the time. There simply isn’t any question about it. 2. We were told the oil from Iraq would pay for the war. Instead, most of the oil was diverted to Israel. Now they say we can steal Iran’s oil and turn war into a profitable activity. Do you believe them?
Oil Spill News
04. Aug, 2010
[...] the rest of this great post here Comments (0) Posted in Oil Spill [...]
BP News
04. Aug, 2010
[...] the rest of this great post here Comments (0) Posted in BP News [...]
04. Aug, 2010
Hatred Of Iran And ‘WMD’ Scam In BP Oil Disaster?
This video reveals BPs connections with Iran, and the Media’s frenzied attack on BP for these Iranian connections.
04. Aug, 2010
Everyone is beginning to realize that the true untouchables are in fact the masters of big oil. They even have their very own privitized, secret mafia-mercenary military, courtesy of Defense/Oil/Whitehouse Dick Cheney. Another reality is that America is now seen as being terribly inept. The war slut can’t even control her own problems, nevermind force the world’s populations to stand aside and handover all resources. America is going down (on cue).
America eill give its soul for carrying on the fantasy, “TRA-LA-LAAH, they hates us cause of our freedoms”
04. Aug, 2010
mr greg williams, my countrys former head of m16 came on bbc television for an interview and informed the british public of its involvement in the coup in iran against the democratically elected govt of mr mossadegh in conjunction with the cia.
let it be also known that over 1 million iranians were murdered by the coup plotters and planners plus al of irans agriculture was destroyed so that it became dependent on america for food.
it would be wise for all muslims to speak with european devilish people with a word of advice from the red indians of america who stated clearly WHITE MAN TALK WITH FORKED TONGUE,!
history has recorded this to be true in all aspects of their relationships with anyone not of their race or colour!
Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker - Iran
04. Aug, 2010
[...] the rest here: Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker // Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker listing above has been taken from [...]
Weitz & Luxenberg Files Louisiana Lawsuits After Fishermen, Other Workers, Lose Livelihoods Due to Gulf Oil Spill | Mesothelioma Survival Rates
04. Aug, 2010
[...] Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker [...]
04. Aug, 2010
Of course Iran is the devil in the middle east,the jewish devil is the chosen one and America is innocent.
Warren Peters
04. Aug, 2010
Mr. Greg Williams, good morning.
Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill « Mehreen's Chai Time
04. Aug, 2010
[...] July 31, 2010 at 10:23 pm (Chai Time on Current Events) Published on Tuesday, August 3, 2010 by Opinion Maker [...]
04. Aug, 2010
Gosh Greg, you can go to Wikipedia, do a search for “Mohammed Mossadegh” or “Operation Ajaz”, read the articles and follow the links in the footnotes.
As for needing Iran’s oil, I doubt that the US needs oil from that country: there are plenty of places closer to the Americans that can supply the oil – northern Canada, western Africa, even the oilfields in the Gulf of Mexico if the oil rigs are properly maintained
. No, the US has never forgiven Iran for kicking out the de facto colonial satrap Reza Khan Pahlavi as Shah and going its own way. Doesn’t matter whether the Iranians created a democracy or a police state for themselves, all that matters is Iran should be picked up and thrown hard against a brick wall.
04. Aug, 2010
Think BP, Exxon, Halliburton, Israel etc give a damn how many lives, how many trillions the US taxpayer spends invading unoffending countries? Ha! They’re laughing at you. They’re laughing their asses off and selling you oil at 3x what it was before Bush attacked Iraq. And so many don’t even see it. Sad.
04. Aug, 2010
The desaster in the gulf of Maxico if not handled properly then its far reaching impacts will be quite visible even at Indian and Pakistani coastal areas what to say about the mediteranian and other adjoining areas .It is going to break the existing food chain of the entire marine ecosystem and in long run its negative inpacts will be visible on the agriculture and biodiversity of the area , therefore instead of indulging in the game of Geopolitics ,all counterier of the middle east and rest of the world should join hand to avert the ecological damage of the accident .America is not going to attack Iran .It is just a false prediction .If they will be allowed to work in the said international project then their peaceful and perposeful presence will be helpful in removing the existing misunderstandings with the counteries of the region especially with Iran .
Personal Care
04. Aug, 2010
Petrochemicals: Confusion and Hypocrisy…
We all want to feel beautful inside and outside. Thanks for sharing that with us….
Jacob Wolf
04. Aug, 2010
We know and have many clear evident that war crime been committed, why are all this people still walk freely! Bring Bush and Blair to War crime!! So to stop future invasion of any other corporation war!
David Howard
04. Aug, 2010
Google “Quadri-Track ZCT”
04. Aug, 2010
When you get right down to it america is ruled by type O- Lizard people. Blue Bloods. There can be no relief because the Lizards own nearly everything. they have guaranteed their progeny by derivative contracts to the tune of circa $100T. There is no way out. america, you are fckd.
05. Aug, 2010
It wasn’t that long ago when small groups of scholars would travel thousands of miles to visit foreign libraries in their quest for knowledge. Today we have every library in the world at our fingertips yet people like Mr. Williams choose to remain ignorant rather than invest a few minutes of research. This willful ignorance is destroying our nation more efficiently than any army could.
Americans were told that Iraq had WMD’s and therefore we must wage war. To other conservative Americans I’d like to point out that lying in order to kill is as dishonorable and treasonous as one could imagine. How or why anyone could believe a word out of their mouths (Democrat or Republican) is beyond me.
Evil people have gained control of our government which explains why they’ve shipped our jobs overseas and ordered Border Patrol to stand down. It’s time good people quit defending these traitors and work towards restoring our government to it’s rightful owners.
Big oil controlling Obama | Anglers Fishery
06. Aug, 2010
[...] Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker [...]
Jenny Ann
06. Aug, 2010
The real attack on Americans was not 9/11, it was when the government lied and withhold vital information, which lead us to war. This Iraq war killed over 6000 servicemen and women, thousands of innocent civilians and contractors, billions (if not trillion) in property and destabilized international security.
The real terrorist are the BUSH ADMINISTRATION and his cronies; do not forget this when voting on the upcoming elections.
12. Aug, 2010
oKJbpI qimwknhhyezi, [url=]iwwqcpixictg[/url], [link=]papdrjbencnv[/link],
See US politics From another angle . - Page 30 - U.S. Politics Online: A Political Discussion Forum
25. Aug, 2010
[...] again been looking toward Iran, which still has the world’s third largest oil reserves. Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker __________________ If Feds call you and defame my message, it is a tactic of intimidation. They [...]
Gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year - Page 3 - Christian Forums
26. Aug, 2010
[...] [...]
03. Sep, 2010
CIA first sunk the South Korean War Ship in March made this another Tonkin Bay incident to fool around their own Citizen and the world, because they have to retreat from Iraq, a war they claim but in fact is a confrontation and they want to save the American Face from retreat from a war that there is no actual Regular Arm forces involve but lots of innocent civilian kill.
So they have excuse to build up more confrontation within South East Asia and hope to gain more weapon sale contract from these areas.
Secondly, BP is the biggest Oil Exploration Company in the world back-up by the British Government, one of their Rig is station in Gulf of Mexican, so they blow up the Rig, let the Crude oil drift toward the coast so American can claim all sorts of damages and make BP to pay of all damages, this is not a war but unrest for the American Citizen and the fishing industries.
Biggest Damages claims for this incident in US.
Thirdly use the mouth of the IBM (International Big Mouth) ex-Bill Clinton’s wife to announce all islands in South China Seas belong to no country in Vietnam visit.
This is a good excuse to make the countries unrest in the South China Seas Vicinity.
South China Seas is a very importing shipping route for Oil and Gas shipping from Middle East through Indian Ocean, Malacca Strait, Singapore up to South China Seas than through Bashi Channel into the Pacific Ocean heading for the West Coast of US. As well as Navy operation route.
If they don’t cause the unrest in South China Seas, they are unable to send their heavy equipments and supplies from West Coast to Middle East Region and via vase.
In this way, they have very good reasons to position their fleets in South China Seas to protect their own benefits of invading other countries in the Middle East, India Ocean and the East Coast of East African Countries.
In order to cause more unrest in the northeast part of China, use the incident of the sinking South Korean Warship as an excuse to create Joint Navy exercise in the Yellow sea and the Sea of Japan, so they can position more firmly of placing their Navy in South Korea and prepare to make North Korea unhappy waiting for the first fire from the North, So they can start their war games in this areas.
The truth of US politics - Page 10 - Forums
04. Sep, 2010
[...] style="BACKGROUND: #d2dde0; MARGIN: 12pt 0in 3pt">Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill [...]
14. Sep, 2010
Iran history has been distorted in western media. Media given false information about the event in 11953 and character of Mosadegh. The power of our great nation for returning shah to crown had been distorted in western media, instead the credit had been given to the bunch of the CIA agent who financed small street bumbs in favor of our monorch. Steven Kinzer is master of deceive in this catagory. He made a million on misery of Iranian people by using lies and distoration of event in 1953. The target of coup of rapid influence of Soviet Union in Iran by their communist Tudeh party. Nothing has been said about the rapid influence of USSR in Iran in those days. Now, nothing had been said about journalist and many Iranian freedom fighters under torture , rape these days. Nothing is being said about masacre of 30,000 Iranian prisoners in summer of 1988 by Islamic Fatwa by Ayatollah Khomainie. What always had been said Oil oil. This is how guilable American being misleaded.
BP Gulf oil leaking is an extortion
07. Oct, 2010
[...] [...]
So, who's the real enemy?
08. Oct, 2010
[...] again been looking toward Iran, which still has the world’s third largest oil reserves. Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill | Opinion Maker Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread « Previous Thread | [...]
Goldman Sachs Sold Nearly 44% of Their BP Stock 3 Weeks BEFORE Spill - Page 2 - Christian Forums
12. Oct, 2010
[...] [...]
treasure coast escorts
04. Dec, 2010
Nice share. I belive your blog should come up much higher in the search results than where it is showing up right now….
Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill 2010? « Insomniacs Alarm clock
30. Jun, 2012
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