THE US: Before It’s Too Late To Leave

THE US: Before It’s Too Late To Leave

Posted on 17. Jul, 2010 by in Afghanistan war



By Gordon Duff

America has got her hands more than full

For the last decade, America has been shuffling its entire military, including hundreds of thousands of private contractors, in and out of the Middle East on little more than a “snipe hunt.”  Time for a reality check.  Iraq never attacked the US.  Reports say Al Qaeda may have fewer than 30 men in Afghanistan.  The Taliban has been asking for a cease fire for months.  Turkey and Brazil negotiated a nuclear deal with Iran ending any possible threat, one we strangely, very strangely ignored.  “Thermo-nuclear Israel’s” continual whining and manipulation is wearing thin.  America’s economy, her Army and her suffering veterans demand an end to our Bush era phony war.

General Petraeus is now in Afghanistan.  The endless games, paying the Taliban for security, protecting drug dealers and propping up a failed dictatorship can come to an end.  OK, some news;  the Taliban is sick of the war and ready to settle.  The only thing keeping the war going is the Karzai brothers and their business partners.  They aren’t worth it, they aren’t America’s allies, they are hated in Afghanistan and they need to be ‘retired’ to the south of France.  I suspect they will be able to live quite well, no financial help needed.

Iran isn’t the problem, it never was.  Since the 1960s, America has been running interference for Israel’s territorial ambitions.  They are now occupying part of Egypt, Jordan and Syria and what had been 4 million Muslim and Christian residents of Palestine are now 1.5 million Gaza detainees and 2.5 million refugees.  Iran had already agreed to a proposal from Turkey and Brazil that would have gotten rid of any nuclear material that may have been used for a weapon, a “workable” deal that seems to have been opposed only because it is preventing a war that Israel wants.

Of course, Israel wants to attack Iran while hundreds of thousand of American troops are standing by.  America’s occupation of the Middle East has proven to be a destabilizing influence for sure, making war on a whim attractive, a war really being fought as in Afghanistan over money, always oil and gas, drugs or arms profiteering.  Without America’s military power, her ability to project force in the Middle East, a capability put in place after the first Gulf War, history might be very different.

With 75% of Guantanamo detainees winning release based on illegal detention, even under almost whimsical “rules of war” now in place, we are getting a new look at a decade of deception and even treason.  Information is even leaking out indicating that the first Gulf War may have been grossly misrepresented with Kuwait now beginning to no longer be a victim but rather part of a partnership gone bad.  The first invasion may be just as bogus as the second were it not for a better deception plan and the competent plotting of the elder Bush compared to his bungling son.

What has really happened is that America has spun out of control with one “lobby” after another banding together into a phony political front that wants nothing but endless war.  America’s most powerful lobby is the Israeli’s, myth makers and storytellers peddling biblical prophesy to the rednecks, terror scares to the American Jewish community that controls over 40% of the nation’s wealth and “Islamophobia” to the rest of the country over the controlled news and entertainment industry.  Do we begin to mention how our corrupt electoral process has made any honest discussion of this problem political suicide for any genuinely “American” candidate?

Did we forget the oil lobby?  Why do you think war with Iran is being pushed?  The second the attack begins, the Straits of Hormuz are closed, oil prices skyrocket and oil company profits quadruple just like they did during the last wars.  How do you think low oil demand, low oil prices and the doubled price of gasoline came about?  Last week we learned that BP, the company famous for destroying the Gulf of Mexico, ordered the British government to free the “Lockerbie Bomber.”  Consider that only a peek at the real power the oil companies have over our governments.

What used to be the “military/industrial complex” has gone well beyond that.  With many financial institutions now deeply into ownership of intelligence and “black-ops” companies that make up much of America’s defense capabilities, we haven’t simply privatized war, we have privatized war policy.

Using the term “Middle East” is, in itself, a deception.  The Mediterranean is an American lake.  The Indian Ocean is being treated as a war “front.”  Europe, from Britain to Germany to Italy and into Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, are making staging areas for operations against what could be 30 terrorists.  American bases dot each of these countries, continually expanded and new ones added to every day.  Even the Black Sea is being “occupied,” with warships and ringed with bases.

Has the United States established exactly what its strategic interests are in the region?  Oil is flowing freely as is heroin.  Money is flowing into the region by the plane load and back out, into banks in Dubai, Tel Aviv and Switzerland.  Is $500 billion a year being spent to defend Israel from invasion by, well, we aren’t sure?  This what is being spent to secure Israel, nearly one third of America’s entire budget.  Wouldn’t it simply be cheaper to give Israel the United States or do they own it already?

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. His banking experience includes trade and monetary policy roles in over 80 countries. Gordon Duff acts as political and economic advisor to a number of governments in …

Gordon Duff is a regular contributor to and

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30 Responses to “THE US: Before It’s Too Late To Leave”

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raja Mujtaba, Raja Mujtaba. Raja Mujtaba said: THE US: Before It?s Too Late To Leave By Gordon Duff [...]

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  2. George

    17. Jul, 2010

    It was a pleasure reading your article.
    Lets hope this evil is routed from America
    so it may once again shine as a democracy
    and not a corporate military complex.

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  3. Jerry Walton

    17. Jul, 2010

    That is the most level headed analysis of the “middle east situation” that I have ever read.

    i heard the GDP of Afghanistan was about 12 Billion and we have already spent in excess of $250 BIllion there.

    Could have bought the place 20+ times.


    They all need to watch AVATAR a few times until the they get it.

    and coming from someone who served.

    i bow to you.



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  4. justme

    17. Jul, 2010

    the british government didnt free megrahi, thats a total misconception, the scottish executive freed him, based on sound independent medical evidence, the british cabinet and prime minister were never involved.

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  6. Mike S

    17. Jul, 2010

    Great post, right to the point and spot on, I look forward to many more. Please keep up the good work.

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  7. Wiiliam Whitten

    17. Jul, 2010

    Yes, and ultra yes. America needs to get this message.

    It is getting close to ‘too late’, it is on fast forward to too late.

    The US carrier groups are already in the Persian Gulf.

    This is NOT an academic exercise. This is reality world wide.

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  8. allovertheplace

    17. Jul, 2010

    Awesome, awesome article! Funny too. Ironic that I must have to laugh at the destruction of my own fool country.

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  9. Cold Wind

    17. Jul, 2010

    like the Baader Meinhof, the Red Brigades and other left wing terror groups of the late 1960′s, part of the CIA’s Strategy of Tension, which resulted in the murders of hundreds of Europeans, al Qaeda is also a synthetic creation of US and Israeli intelligence. Gordon Duff should know this. Al Qaeda is CIA/Mossad. ‘Al Qaeda’ kills Americans with the full knowledge and planning of the ‘higher ups’ at NATO Headquarters and at the Pentagon and Langley, VA. Think about this for a moment, the treachery and treason.

    Who runs the CIA? You got it, the Mossad. How is it the IDF has the full run of the Pentagon? America, the Republic, doesn’t exist anymore. We are as Pat Buchanan insist an ‘ Israeli occupied nation’. God help the American people!

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  10. John Taurus

    17. Jul, 2010

    Israel is in full control of the United States and Israel will decide when America leaves. Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli citizens, is the real president of the United States. America is Israel’s army. Americans are Israeli slaves. How do you keep slaves happy? Never, ever let them realize they are slaves. Remind the slave often of his/her “FREEDOM”. Give the slave a vote in a farce called an “ELECTION” where the slave gets to vote in a rigged election for a Zionist handpicked puppet.

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  12. Robert L

    17. Jul, 2010

    John Taurus is absolutely right. How many Israelis and Zionists have infiltrated the highest levels of our government? How much propaganda have we seen lately about how “lucky” we are (to serve and fund them) and how “free” we are?

    The majority of Israelis are not even related to the original 12 tribes of Israel, and yet they constantly push this chosen people nonsense. They were given a country that didn’t belong to them, and now they expect the whole world to serve them. But we should not be angry at them…instead we should pity them. For it appears clear that the masters of the world have already decided upon their destruction.

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  13. Mike Smeltzer

    17. Jul, 2010

    Gordon Duff most certainly has his head on straight. His views are to say the least crystal clear at 20/20.
    I thing we are already a “colony” of Israel.
    If one goes to MSNBC and watches the “Radigan Show” one should watch the back ground computer generated map of America carefully. As various states rotate inside the “map” one can notice the SIX POINTED STAR of DAVID briefly displayed before reverting back to our traditional FIVE POINTED STAR as in the Stars and Strips of our flag. It’s very slick and not noticed by most, unless your awake.
    They are most certainly working towards America and the western world in general becoming “captive”.

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  14. kel

    17. Jul, 2010

    Thank you Gordon for another absolutely correct assessment of our situation… Wish that America could wake up to this and simply say no… Todays soldiers are so brain washed as we were in ‘Nam… They simply need to get angry enough to also say no. And Israel.. God don’t get me started…Somehow I feel, they’ll emplode… their insanity can only go so far…
    And fighting for peace is like srewing for virginity… Simply said…NO more war, hang the bankers and no more aid to the Israelis… even if the horses are out…close the freakin’ door.
    nuf said.

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  15. Hector

    17. Jul, 2010

    Fact is terrorist never attack petrol refinerys because it is the petrol mafia that funds them ”

    Else taliban may had won the war years ago ”

    Just in case , go solar go aeolic go totaly fueless !
    that way petrol mafia does not have money to fund terror ,.
    each gas dollar you put in your tank 10 cents go to fund war , the next go to kill all life in the gulf …

    Amen !

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  16. 17. Jul, 2010

    America may very well be Israel’s puppet but Israel is definately controlled by the Crown of England!

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  17. I wish it wasnt

    17. Jul, 2010

    I’d like people to stop ignoring that its QUITE possible that USA AND Israel actually take orders from the SAME “owner”

    the SAME who dumped oil in the gulf LIKELY on PURPOSE

    many are finally waking up toi the fact that ENGLAND and the “British Commonwealth” witht their mason footsoldiers and control over banks (Rothschild are theirs).

    Anyway I know it may not be true and there’s not too many people writing about it (yet) but they just dumped Texas TEA all up in there, and they aren’t done yet.

    They NEVER let us go from them. MAYBE a few years, TOPS. They designed a system that you do not know you are OWNED and a SLAVE to them. Our RIGHTS are a MIRAGE. Thye OWN our MONEY, and our COURTS, and probably our MILITARY (and US!!! according to them anyway)…..their reasoning in their “fair” minds is that it is VOLUNTARY servitiude since we “signed” a contract to be a “citizen” so that’s OK???

    And how many countries and how much of the land does UK own? 1/6 of the worlds landmass and thru Admiralty law and the UN global government foothold they claim the water also. I personally don’t see anyone bigger nor able to DICTATE the terms of our nation while it serves an agenda contrary to what benefits us. It’s pretty obvious to me, at this point, that the decision-makers are decimating our nation, how could they be from here? Well only if they took THE OATH, to defend the empire for her “majokesty” , go ahead and look up all the “Sir’s” – Heck Bush 1 is actually IN the Committeee of 300 (Order of the Garter) – and they even put it in the paper, they brag about it – and they aren’t worried to do so – because nobody knows.

    They have the EU now, so they have been weakening us ever since. Always EXPECTING that we won’t ever ever figure it out. Well, the chickens will some day come home to roost England. Even your puppet Nazis barely could resist going all the way to your porch, you are hated by more than you’re loved by and thats even with us doing all your “dirty work.” You think you can continue to brbe politicians and that will be enough to protect you from the rest of the world when we’re gone? Yeah right.
    And thats really why they needed us, but they have worn it all out, nobody likes us, and they sure haven’t seen whats behind the curtain. Once they do,. do you think you’ll be safe even from your own people? You think your lies and games will last forever?
    Let’s assume for a second that you have “someones” best interests in mind. Who is that exactly? Do you REALLY think you’re gonna get away with it? And who is it benefitting anyway, you know and your descendants have to live in this world also. Spreading lies and fear and hatred and slavery has done nothing but cost everyone , including yourselves. You talk aobut this utopia that the “elite” is going ot enjoy with a nice little slave population. I GOT NEWS FOR YOU. You are by no means the most powerful thing in the universe. Everything comes around. People will evolve and liars and murderers and slave traders will be the ones “abolished”.
    So prove me wrong other than your half spun lies in your media. I doubt you wil because you know what I’m saying is true, and your greed and ego and contempt for regular people will continue to blind you to reality. Blind you to what we were capable of. Blind you that somehow the entire worlds suffering is worth a few peoples fancy dinner party and bank accounts and titles.
    I don’t wish to be enemies. England has done its share (OK a small tiny share) of good in the world – but if oyu think that people are going to continue lying down like the “first wave” of us that learned, you are HIGH. If you think that the universe isn’t watching, you are HIIIIGH. If you think that people will accept to be enslaved in perpetuituy or that ANYONE should be enslaved AT ALL, EVER you are not only high but LOST and IRREDEEMABLE.

    It’s just my opinion. I oppose war and world government but believe that world peace is possible. You are the ones causing all the problems and have been for a looooong time (not the only of course but the list has shortened hasn’t it) . SO don’t come and tell us that you’re “creating order from chaos” by causing all the chaos to bring it – I mean seriously do you realize how hypocritical you are? I guess not, because that would render the term meaningless wouldn’t it. I’ve read the people who started this out, who exactly was the threat or enemy that started you on this quesr? Because you became the monster, and perhaps you alwas were. The people want to believe otherwise, and you abuse that also.

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  18. Mihail

    17. Jul, 2010

    So true John,those jewish devil will destroy America in the end,most christian don’t have any idea that those jewish terrorist are KHAZARS.America is in deep trouble,,>Bible in Revelation 2:9,,3:9 describe those lien bastards as ”THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN”

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  19. Mike Smeltzer

    17. Jul, 2010

    As and adjunct to the above comment where I noticed this “star issue” on MSNBC’s, Dylan Radigan Show. Mr. Radigan called BP and the local fishermen “Big Weasel and Little Weasel’s” respectively.
    While I agree BP is a weasel by nature of it’s many over the years and location conduct.
    I do take issue with Radigan calling working American’s (little weasels) based on what Radigan thinks is a lack of reporting to the IRS these fishermen s income.
    Let it be known that the IRS is a branch of the Federal Reserve and NOT AN ARM of the GOVERNMENT, just like the FEDERAL RESERVE is NOT A GOVERNMENT BRANCH, no more so than FEDERAL EXPRESS is not a government branch either.
    Now Radigan contends that do to a lack of a 1040 form these fishermen can not prove to BP their real income, and as such BP is not obligated to make reparations to these GULF COAST PEOPLE!

    Total nonsense! All any of these fishermen have to do is bring their BANK STATEMENTS about 1 years worth will be sufficient, along with a figure based on the total deposits divided by 12 months to show an average income figure, that’s all that’s needed to legally get BP to pay off for damages they caused to their livelihood.
    So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Radigan!
    1040 indeed!

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  20. WTF

    17. Jul, 2010

    ‘Truth can never be destroyed only suppressed’. Thank you Mr. Duff for your resonant boots on the ground Truth about the state of affairs.

    Our great country has been usurped. The duplicitous traitors must be removed, as their usury.

    This is simply one of the best articles I have read that resonantly describes the degenerating collusion of our once trusted institutions. Perhaps I was naive.

    What are Americans going to do about it?!?

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  21. Tony

    17. Jul, 2010

    Given a choice, I would much rather live in a world run by Jews than Iranians or Muslims.

    At this juncture, America can’t keep its own ship afloat, let alone take the helm of running the world.

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  22. Kyle

    17. Jul, 2010


    Don’t be so hard on the Edomite Khazars. They are only doing the work of their Father.

    John 8:44

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  23. John Murdock

    17. Jul, 2010

    Our country has been overrun by criminals at the highest level. Simultaneously, our population has been dumbed down to eggplant level.

    Watching this cancerous system die is sort-of a relief.

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  24. USA Patriot

    17. Jul, 2010

    Israel and the Jews can S*ck My C*ck

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  25. MorningStar

    17. Jul, 2010

    American cannot substain a third foreign war. It’s like 1938 with the embargo of Japan. That forced them to invade other countries to survive as a country.

    Good Lord!! Continual foreign wars, high taxes, thousands of bureaucrats harassing the citizens & the country is broke. Sounds like the exact same scene in 1776. Now, it’s Iran. Of course Israel wants our children to fight & die for them.

    My question is when does all of them come back to America to haunt us? Americans are fed up with these 11+ year foreign wars without any victory. Our children are dying each day.

    Read that new book where American citizenws finally do stand up to federal tyranny (enough of foreign wars & high taxes, etc.) & ends up starting the 2nd American Revolution.

    Hey, the exact same issues are there. It’s that good. I recommend it. It could be our home town soon.

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  26. AD

    17. Jul, 2010

    Why do some people see this clearly and other people just refuse to believe it? Who is better off? I am grateful that I have seen this for years and years. But what can this information do for those of us who see? Are we only witnesses to the truth, and to what end? I want all of this to explode now. I want the truth to ravage everyone. This is just too messy, too sick, to worrisome, too flaky to actuall have such an affect upon all souls.

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  27. Dr.A.K.Tewari

    22. Jul, 2010

    There is enornous and dangerous difference between the two demand raised on this blog .1st.Stop the war and 2nd Stop the war before it is too late to leave .Only a respectful exit of foreigh forces from the area can ensure the world peace ,America can not afford a humiliating defeat once again .It is now upto the Govt of Pakistan and Afghanistan and their diplomats and opinion makers to decide the mode and means to nutralize the nonstate actors in deciding the future course of on going war .

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  28. Dr.A.K.Tewari

    22. Jul, 2010

    There is enormous and dangerous difference between the two demands raised on this blog .1st.Stop the war and 2nd. Stop the war before it is too late to leave .Only a respectful exit of foreigh forces from the area can ensure the world peace ,America can not afford a humiliating defeat once again .It is now upto the Govt of Pakistan and Afghanistan and their diplomats and opinion makers to decide the mode and means to nutralize the nonstate actors in deciding the future course of on going war .

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  29. vwqcrobbv

    07. Aug, 2010

    Ma7tO0 qxrrygaeuvfg, [url=]criidrowspbu[/url], [link=]ezyvgzsantfh[/link],

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  30. Teealcelcid

    09. Nov, 2010

    I would concur we should leave the Middle East, perhaps for different reasons, but nonetheless, stop the Wilsonian nation building. America is a unique country. There is nothing like her in the world despite lilbarrysoretoe's attempts to reduce her to chugo chavez's crib partner. To attempt to create 'democracy' in a godless realm is unrealistic to say the least.  The western world with the pinnacle of civilization was a result of Christianity, starting with Israel and spreading outward. Israel fell to ROme in AD 70, Jesus implying that it was happening as a result of their rejection of Him (the nation rejecting Him as opposed to many of her citizens who embraced Him.) Where ever the Good News spread and was received, civilization and its attendant organization sprang forward. To attempt to create a secular 'USA' out of a society which is still in the pre second millinium is a waste, plain and simple. Lilbarry has made it worse with continuing to spread us thin, following CLinton's lead during the 90's. THis concerns me as lilbarry has some sinister plans for the citizenry here what with his 'civilian defense force' and a more real threat, The Consequence Management Response Force, 80,000 men strong, based in Georgia whose redefined mission s/p Bush Presidency is to deal with perceived civilian disruptions such as following midterm elections. (fortunately that did not occur but I guess there is still time for a 'crisis').

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