Posted on 26. Nov, 2009 by Editor in Health and Medicine
Where does McChrystal get his information? Does he get it from Karzai, defacto president of ten square miles of Afghanistan? Who is McChrystal planning on defeating?
With dozens of tribes fighting each other and a dozen or more different groups calling themselves the "Taliban," many totally unaware of each other, I hope he is aware that the only uniting factor in all of this is a desire to throw America out, not in support of any cause America is fighting against, but because we are so utterly stupid that we have allied ourselves with idiots that absolutely everyone hates.
These are the facts, the real facts, not the "lets see if we can keep this war going forever" facts"
- The more troops we send in, the more enemies join the war against us
- Our enemies are fighting us for no other reason than the fact we are stupid enough to be there
- We are fighting dozens of different groups, some are bad, some are good and most are only fighting because they think the US is invading their country
- Our strategy, to get villagers to trust us and fight with us is so utterly stupid that it isn’t worth talking about. These people look at us like we are nuts.
- For folks that talk about "conservative values" we are trying awfully hard to force a Socialist dictatorship on the freedom loving people of Afghanistan at gunpoint
- If anyone has noticed, our enemy doesn’t seem to have any leaders.
We have nobody we can kill, no big "evil doer" that makes a lick of difference. Perhaps if we kill everybody, then the "enemy" won’t be able to get new leaders. Is this our plan? - Have we considered, for all intents and purposes, that WE might actually be the enemy and might best consider attacking ourselves?
- Were we to do that, using the tactics used against us, we would find ourselves easy to defeat. No surprise for anyone there.
- If you have wondered why the terms Taliban and Al Qaeda don’t seem to be taken very seriously by anyone "in the know" about this war, could it be that this isn’t really who we are fighting at all? Could it be that we are against THE PEOPLE?
We could spent hours, pages, days discussing history, demarcation lines or a political system that is nothing like either our military or our news media says it is. Does anyone suspect our news is written by advertising people working for companies that make bullets or maybe coffins?
What we are hiding from ourselves is that the initial invasion of Afghanistan put a bizarre and corrupt government in power that aligned millions of people against us. This fact was hidden from us until we got into so much trouble we couldn’t hide it anymore.
Our military geniuses, the ones who lied to us for so many years, are now asking for a surge so they can disengage. Does this mean they want to put up a bit of a show, kill off a few people and run like hell for the door screaming "I win, I win?"
Right now, it looks like Obama is going to go along with this. Bush already screwed things up so badly that nothing can be done. When in doubt, blow up some buildings and lie like hell, then run home to mama.
The British did it. The Russians did it. Now we can do it.
Senior Editor Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor to Opinion Maker
on political and social issues under bilateral arrangements between Opinion Maker and Veterans Today.
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